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BA International Students

Home / Admission / BA International Students
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Date 2020-06-01

Overseas Compatriot Students
International Students

Required Application Documents:
1. Application checklist
2. Application fee receipt
3. Two completed application forms attached with a recent photo sized about 3.5 cm x 4.5 cm
4. Address label
5. Declaration
6. Verification of nationality (A photocopy of your passport)
7. One photocopy of the diploma of the highest academic degree
8. One original official transcript
  * The photocopies of their diploma and transcripts verified by the Taiwan Overseas Representative Office (with official stamp/seal) in the country of the original school are required for enrollment.
9. A recent 3-month account balance certificate of at least NTD$180,000 (about USD$6,000) or more verified by Taiwan Overseas Representative Office
10.Additional application materials required by the department or the graduate institute

For more detailed information on the required application documents, please refer to admission brochure.

Department of Korean Language and Culture

Degree Admission Quota-Degree Student Admission Quota-Non-Degree Student Admission Criteria-Written Test Admission Criteria-Interview/Oral Test Admission Criteria-Application Materials Review
Bachelor 2 0

Applicants, who cannot attend the Oral Test in person, are permitted to take the test through webcam. The video Oral Test will take place at the same date, applicants will receive further notice after the department makes the decision.
Qualification:For non-native speakers of Korean.

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